Kerri Jablonski

Kerri Jablonski

United States

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My name is Kerri Jablonski. I’m  a 40 something Seattle mom blogger. Don’t tell anyone, but it does not in fact, rain all the time in Seattle, Washington. 

I love to cook for my family, craft and tinker, watch movies, drink copious amounts of tea and snack on good chocolate. Sometimes, our neglected yard even gets some love in the garden. I also has a red shoe problem.

Long weekends you’ll find me working on our home or traveling with my husband and three kids. Both of our sons have Autism (2008 and 2013) and our daughter (2010) born 8 weeks early due to complications from pre-eclampsia.

Our two very spoiled cats rule the roost and commander any new fuzzy  blanket that enters the house. 

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