Kelly & Zoey Allen

Kelly & Zoey Allen

United Kingdom

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Welcome to our little space of the internet! We’re an LGBTQ+ family focused on challenging society’s misconceptions one day at a time. Our life is built on positivity, love and owning who we are and what we stand for…

My name is Kelly and I began this blog in 2019, after my wife Zoey came out to me as transgender. By the end of 2019 we’d won a newcomer’s blogging award, and we decided to start working on it together, as a team. Supporting Zoey through her transition has been full of ups and downs, but we’ll always be honest with you, even on the dark days…

Aside from being a proud trans ally and a sparkling pansexual, I also love to cook (and eat) vegan food, devour books (with my eyes), spending days out in the countryside, and spending copious amounts of time with my gorgeous family. I also have a big obsession with Bowie music and I talk to my plants!

Hi! I’m Zoey, and I am a transgender woman. I want you to see that we’re just a normal(ish) family, and all we want is to raise visibilty for the trans community. We will always aim to be visible (and vocal), and champion and support the trans and LGBTQ+ community. I hope I can show you that coming out later in life isn’t all doom and gloom, there is hope and a light during a late transition…

I love to write songs, play guitar, and generally create music I hope you can relate to and enjoy. I also love cooking delicious food, pamper evenings with Kelly and watching movies!

This is George. He’s nine years old and as wise an owl. He’s full of questions, obsessed with zombies (our fault!), loves anything to do with computers (Roblox/Minecraft etc) and can play for hours! HE’s also a huge trans ally, and has to deal with misgendering regularly because of his gorgeous long hair.

This is Molly. She is 8 and completely adorable. She loves playing with Sylvanians, singing at the top of her lungs, playing video games with her brother and Zoey, writing in her diary, and reading books.

For ten years we didn’t know Zoey was Zoey, but when she came out to us it didn’t take long for it to all fall into place. The first month was a whirlwind, with many emotions and thoughts, questions and new discoveries.

George and Molly have been unbelievable, with Molly and Zoey forming an unbreakable bond since Zoey came out. And George responded in the most beautiful way – ‘If she’s happy, I’m happy.’

We’re here to shake things up, from challenging the world’s views on transgender families to enjoying our life to the full despite the negative attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community. And, as I’ve said many times to many people, ‘We’re on a rollercoaster of a ride, and I’m not getting off!’

Life is for living, and if we can help one person to live their lives their way whilst we’re on our own journey, then we’ve done something right.

We hope you enjoy our stories, anecdotes, advice, love and laughter, and we thank you for joining us for the ride.

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