Julien Tuyeras

Julien Tuyeras


speedometerThere are 25K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

Hi, I'm a dynamic French photographer/influencer having completed higher education in the field of computer programming, e-commerce, and web communication. I have with more than 89% of my audience really engaged in my Instagram account and who do you trust in me, I can have statistics and more for every sponsored operation.
I have a lot ( and I love ) of photo/video gear for creating all types of content ( story, artistic photos... ).

It's a perfect way to develop your brand in Europe /France.

I have already worked with brands such as Canon, Sony, DJI, or brands of luxury clothing.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.23%
Comment Average 13
Like Average 28
View Average 501

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I will advertise  for any companies available and make sure dey av more customer
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I will advertise for any companies available and make sure dey av more customer

I will instagram post ,reels ,story
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I will instagram post ,reels ,story

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