Hello mga Ka-Suroy! Suroy in English means "wander". Suroy Ta Bai means, "Let's go Wander!" This channel shares our experiences in every place we go to. We make reviews of food we eat, the hotel we stay, places we go, prices we paid, tips and best practices you need to know when you go for a trip - may it be local or international. We feature local destinations in the Philippines to promote tourism, as well as sharing our experiences in our international travel. We are a family from Cebu City, Philippines. I have a loving wife and 2 sons. We sometimes share to you what we do at home - some tips in cooking, cleaning, etc - as family bonding. Sometimes I do TALK VLOG for issues that concerns you and I. It's pretty much a well-rounded channel but primarily focusing on Travel Tips - budget travel, that is. We also offer FREE VLOGGING for your events. If you want to document your birthday, christening, wedding, corporate or any events through a VLOG format - we'll be ready for you. NO CHARGE. Just send an email to [link-omitted] Please subscribe to our channel. ------------------------- Below are our other Socia Media Accounts: Facebook: [link-omitted]..