Jordan Hodge

Jordan Hodge

United States

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I am a youtuber who has the channel MumblesVideos.

My Youtube channel has 3000+ Subscribers and continues to grow.

I also have a facebook, instagram, twitter and tiktok.

I am still doing alot of growing on all my social media content and I am always looking to improve my content.

My videos mainly focus on reviewing stuff, but I also do alot of videos with my dog Dancer who is a Shetland sheepdog. 

If you chose to work with me you can rest assured that I will do my very best to put your product in the best light possible. 

To see Jordan's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will create a video review of your product
Video Review on YouTube

I will create a video review of your product



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 33.23%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 51
View Average 1K
Play Average 2K

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I will do my best and trying hard
Social Share on Facebook

I will do my best and trying hard

I will engage with existing post
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will engage with existing post

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