jordan baker

jordan baker

United Kingdom

speedometerThere are 24K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

i am a content creater

own and operate a small esports team.

i am a father to a beautiful child

i write poetry on wordpress

i maybe able to use my knowledge and help grow a brand.

i own a podcast, which is used on spotify. apple music among other things, myself and fellow guests usually talk about games and stuff and sometimes conduct interviews. using this utilise brands and could sponsor us to benefit them.

having a youtube channel as well i can use my platform to promote brands.

i know my way around social media to help promote, review brands to a high standard hoping i can reach and bring in more traffic.

i also have my own son, pride and together we can review childrens toys, clothes. all sorts to widen the reach

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