Joel DeVaughn

Joel DeVaughn

United States

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Hi, Joel here!

| artist | food enthusiast | movie nerd & bookworm | future time traveler... or maybe past time traveler.

I'm a budding artist of VA. When I'm not writing music or outside experiencing nature, I can be found watching a new movie or tv show, reading, or out on the town boogying down! 

In today's crazy times, I believe protecting one's mental wellbeing and improving physical helath is key making life's burdens feel just a little bit lighter. I aim to share a doctrine of compassion, hope, adventure, and self-love. Everyone and everything has a story, and I would love to help you tell the world about you and your brand! ☺️ 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 57.89%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 41
Play Average 705
Share Average 1

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