Joanne Hurley

Joanne Hurley


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Hey my name is Joanne and I'm 36 years young. I'm a digital marketer with an honours masters in digital marketing from UCD. I enjoy the finer things in life and I'm a very positive person who loves to enjoy life and also enjoy being an independent lady who looks after herself. I bought my home when I was 21 and educated myself throughout myself with savings and from good employers. I work really hard and have the best work ethic. When I was 15 I had three jobs and earned a pretty decent wage, so much so I could start funding my own holidays each summer whilst I interned in an insurance company, worked as a cleaner in the mornings and in the evenings in retail. I love exploring new cultures, travelling overseas, keeping fit, love love music and DJ and enjoy food and eating out. It has always been a dream of mine to become a social brand influencer. I teach digital marketing in a University every second Saturday. I'm in a very happy place right now and would love to start working with credible brands to grow my following and endorse brands that I love. 

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View Average 579
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