joana covas

joana covas

United States

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Hi, my name is Joana, I'm 21 years old and I have a bookstagram where I showcase books, candles, and many more things! My Instagram is @spookyrevioos . I love supporting small businesses and currently represent two of them. I have 1.9k followers on Instagram and I'm active every single day, commenting and posting. I am trilingual and speak English, Spanish, and Portuguese fluently. I look forward to working with businesses and being able to recommend them to my following! I look forward to working with you.

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Some of their offers

I will review your item
Social Review on Instagram

I will review your item

I will comment on 5 of your posts
Social Engagement on Instagram

I will comment on 5 of your posts



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 13.80%
Comment Average 56
Like Average 208
View Average 0
Play Average 816

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I will do writing
Social Review on LinkedIn

I will do writing

I will write an article
Post on Blog

I will write an article

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