Hi! My name is Jimmy, I'm 19 years old and I'm a YouTuber for gaming with an active fanbase, and I'm a live streamer on the platform.
I've been playing videos games especially online for a while now. I started live streaming on my ps4 and when I got my first PC I decided to make it a personal hobby.
I haven't been streaming for long, but within the two years I managed to build an audience I'm proud of and stay in touch with on social media.
During the time I'm not gaming or making a montage you can either find me at wrestling practice since I'm part of my school's wrestling team. I also take a huge interest in fashion, fitness, and any other activity that catches my interest. Below is just a few more things about myself.
- Food Lover
- Naruto Fan
- Online Competitive Gamer
- Blogger
- Student
- Brazilian jiu-jitsu