Jessie Ritter

Jessie Ritter

United States

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Hey there! I'm Jessie Ritter, a country singer/songwriter living part time in Florida and part time in Nashville TN. I play live shows all the time and love connecting with an audience through story and song. When I'm not playing music I love spending days on the beach, especially when my husband and I take out our 90s camper van, affectionately named "Odin." He's an author and we love reading. We're also super into DIY building projects: we remodeled our whole home ourselves and are currently turning a shipping container into a home studio and songwriting space for me. When I get a break from touring, we love to travel for fun, visiting Europe and driving across the United States. Family is very important to us as well as our Christian faith. I also have a passion for healthy eating, cooking, running, yoga, and at the end of the day a smooth full bodied glass of wine. It's nice to meet you.

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