Jeddaiah Gamit

Jeddaiah Gamit


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Hey there. I’m Fai. I manage a Youtube channel called “Fai Ogata”. I upload makeup tutorials for cosplays. My videos are on the first results when the cosplayed characters for each tutorial are searched on YouTube. I am also on Instagram and TikTok. I dabble in makeup (tutorials and reviews), costume and props creation, graphics, voiceover, and video editing.

 I have a second channel called “Kramfinite”, in which I upload fan videos for various fandoms. I crop, splice, and color grade video clips, and add edited royalty-free music to them to create unique and eye-catching fan videos.

 My makeup and cosplay channel has made a reach of 343,374 for only TWO tutorials, and my fan video channel has made a reach of 572,779 and I just started the channel early this year. 

Another channel is also under the works, in which I will be doing my own research, writing my own scripts, and creating my own graphics for educational lesson-type videos (much like how TED-Ed formats theirs). 

So, yes. I am a one-man team with multiple interests, and I hope to work with you so that I can put out more content for my audience, and to help your brand grow more.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 42.90%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 23
Play Average 419
Share Average 0

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