Janique Hockaday

Janique Hockaday

United States

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First off my name is Jah Jah. Hey, hi, hello.. My friends will say I am a very optimistic, positive person. I enjoy deep conversations, and connecting with people. Small talk is boring and I loose interest in it quite quickly. When I discover something cool or interesting I have to share it with everybody. I am extremely into mental health and building self love and confidence. Reading self help books or books on building the mind gets me out of bed in the morning. Looking forward to reading a book I am into has really turned me into a morning person. I turned my hobby into a career which is grooming men for a living, being a barber/stylist has been the most rewarding thing about me. Everything I do is self taught when it comes to hair. My personality is pretty addictive, many people are drawn to me, my appearance is intimidating. However, I was probably the most down to earth, nonjudgmental being you might ever meet. I also find myself extremely hilarious even if others don’t think so. There are many other cool things about but I’m going to keep it short and sweet.

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