Jamaris Santana

Jamaris Santana

United States

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

My name is Jay and I am a content crestor that creates content that relates to me expressing my own sense of style and who I am. I try to be different in what I wear and how I create my videos to always keep my engagement going.

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Some of their offers

I will Create a Reel
Social Review on Instagram

I will Create a Reel



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 17.41%
Comment Average 75
Like Average 1K

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I will pin or repin your Pinterest post to over 200,000 viewers a month
Social Share on Pinterest

I will pin or repin your Pinterest post to over 200,000 viewers a month

I will Post Article and Give You Backlink
Post on Blog

I will Post Article and Give You Backlink

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