jade jacobs

jade jacobs

South Africa

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Sassy, classy with a touch of badassy and I don’t care what people think of me. This is me in the rawest form.
My Personal Journey - is a road of up and down hills but I keep going, welcome to my world of being a mom, wife and still trying to look fine at the age of 33 lo
Mom to Micah - 8 year old who is clingy as hell lol (why are boys so clingy)
Wife - to a husband who can't live without me hahaha
Foodie - love trying new recipes even when it's a flop
Student Mom - trying to do this thing called, being a mom, wife and student(don't know what to say as yet
Fitness - exercise and work out when I have time which isn't often as I would like
Aspiring Writer - apparently I would like to write my own book and be an author someday lol
Travel - travelled when I was 19 best decision of my life

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