Hi, there! My name is Imawati Annisa Wardhani, you can call me Ima or Mae. I'm a housewife with one son.
Besides doing household activities at home, I also loves to write on my personal blog. You can read my portfolio on [link-omitted]. It's written in Indonesia, but with technology of course you can translate my writing in English.
What I loves to write mostly about traveling, parenting, family activities, books and movies review, also about beauty and lifestyle.
Even though my blog is in Indonesia, I would love to write something in English if needed. I would be welcome if you offer me to write both in Indonesia or in English.
As you can see on my portfolio, I have accepted quite numbers of writing offers. I did my job as good as possible and I always trying to write something not to impress the brand, but also entertain and educate people who read my writing.