Lubaba is a talented youth who dedicates himself in bringing changes in Tanzania agriculture sector and Whole Africa as well, Hi is a holder of certificate in Business administration from Tanzania Institute of Accountancy (TIA), Diploma in General agriculture from College of Agriculture and Natural Resources (CANRE) and his currently pursuing Bachelor in Tourism Management at Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA). He is an experienced blogger, social media certified expert, author, agriculture expert, entrepreneur and farmer. Lubaba has managed to make significant contribution to the socioeconomic development in Africa, by combining both his personal skills and his academic background in bringing changes in Tanzania agriculture sector, Lubaba is also a self-taught IT expert in which through his Works Lubaba is recognized to be one among few change makers in Tanzania by being recognized by mwananchi Tanzania National Magazine of 22th September 2018. Also his different agriculture articles and books have been trusted and adopted and published by different trusted agriculture websites in Tanzania as well as Sokoine National Library (MKULIMA) for farmers and experts uses.