Henny Puspita Sari

Henny Puspita Sari


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Reviewing anything that comes to mind, especially about book reviews, platforms, and culinary. Once in a while inspired about the lifestyle, baking, and another else. 

I like traveling and learning a lot of things. Can speak English and like to share everything that I learn in this world. I like share it in my blog and sometimes in tiktok or youtube channel. My destinastion journey start from near my parent's house. 

In the real life. I am the Physics beginner, teacher elementary school, and still a college student in University state of Medan. 

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I will reviewing the books, place travel, lifestyle, and another things.
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I will reviewing the books, place travel, lifestyle, and another things.

I will reviewing everything especially about books and lifestyle.
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I will reviewing everything especially about books and lifestyle.



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