harana zhang

harana zhang

United States

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Hi! I am a lifestyle motivational influencer based out of east coat Atlanta, Georgia. I connect with my followers through sharing thoughts, experiences, and products that I find have positive impact in my life. I just recently became a mother to a beautiful baby girl and that had changed my life forever! I am also starting my youtube channel so I look forward to collaborate with brands through video based projects as well as photo posts on instagram. I have a little over 20k followers on instagram with 51% male and 49% female demographic with great engagements between my followers. I have enjoyed worked with brands mostly in the fashion, hair, make up, and jewelry, as well as furniture brands in the past. Now that I have a baby girl, (who also have an instagram account @mayaisabellaguerra with almost 10k followers) I am very excited to expand my collaborations with brands in the baby product category on both my account and hers! Thank you for taking your time in reading my bio! I look forward to be working and growing together with new and exciting brands!

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Average Engagement Rate by Reach 10.11%
Comment Average 12
Like Average 30
View Average 567

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