Hannah Bourne

Hannah Bourne


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I am a small floral business owner, booktoker, and all-around creative! 

Here's a little about what makes me, me:

-Caffeine, definitely.

-When I'm into something, I'm like, really into it. Some may call it obsessive, but I think of it as passion.

-I think social justice is one of the most important things to use your influence for. 

-I'm happiest when I'm driving to nowhere in particular, with an iced coffee in hand and a comfort album playing (probably Slowmotionary by Ethan Gruska). 

I am strongest in communicating with online audiences, traditional media (regarding visual arts), and content creation. 

I hope we can work together soon!  

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 6.15%
Comment Average 14
Like Average 304
Play Average 2K
Share Average 1

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