Gilsar Vergara

Gilsar Vergara

United States

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Hey, What's up! My name is Gilsar born in the Philippines (Dumaguete City) and raised in New York. I am an aspiring entrepreneur with a regular 9-5 trying to work smart to get closer to financial independence. I make content sharing my life through interviews, reviews, and opinions.

Aside from business I have trained in the martial arts since I was 4 years old in the disciplines of Tae Kwon Do, Muay Thai, and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I lived in the Philippines for college where I met my wife and rediscovered how beautiful my home country is.  

I started my YouTube channel to showcase the beauty of a life in the Philippines by moving back after donating my kidney to my sister. Since then I have gone back and forth from the USA and Philippines sharing my life’s journey/experience.

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