Hey I am GillianRose! I am a new Blogger. I have a strong following on Twitter and Instagram. So was thinking I want to blog because; I love to write and; it's all about dating; fashion; reviews from lingerie brands to makeup to the best places to shop online! I am always asked advice about hair extension's; my makeup and; living life single from all my followers so I am debuting my blog IN THE NEXT WEEK!!!
I will have amazing recourse too. Example for my body image I am doing a Boudoir Photoshoot this week! I plan to blog the whole [link-omitted]n should love their bodies. It's going to be packed WITH REAL INFORMATION NOT FAKE STUFF LIKE THOSE BIG Youtubers do.
I am a real 40 year old women who wants a place were women know that everything they read is down to earth and; not fake.