Geraldine Russo

Geraldine Russo

United States

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Hi! My name is Geraldine and I’m a Stay at home Mom of two small children. I am the primary shopper for my household and I am always looking for a sale or deal. When I find a deal/sale I love to share my finds with all my friends, family and followers.

Prior to this current position of managing my household, I worked in corporate America for 15+ years. The majority of my experience was in Marketing management for CPG companies. This has proven to be beneficial for my influencer page as I am familiar with many of the ways to run a social media page as well as best practices.

My influencer pages are primarily women (94.5%) 25-54 (87.9%)years old in North America. My main social media account is Instagram but cross post onto Facebook, Pinterest, TikTok and Pinterest.

To see Geraldine's full profile please login or register.

Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.53%
Comment Average 5
Like Average 14
View Average 0
Play Average 627

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