Garry Lee

Garry Lee

United Kingdom

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

HI I'm Garry i am a keen film and documentary film and short video maker along with photography of landscapes, buildings, portraits. i travel the UK finding interesting places to film and take beautiful shots.
I am a family person with 5 children in which they do feature at times in my filming and photos.
i have also been focusing in the paranormal using many apps, mobile / cell phones along with all types of video equipment including light for background a direct filming and photography.
i have a reaction section to my channel where i react to situations which will be products and locations too.
i have a team of people within my group Jamie, Jillian and myself Garry which we have been doing this now for over 12 years!! we would love to react to your product in which we would add to our films and photographs and could use as today we are sponsored by and give our review and reaction to these products.
thank you and see you soon!!

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