Fiolita Juliana

Fiolita Juliana


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Hello,introduce my name Fiolita.I am a game streamer on the gaming facebook [link-omitted]k you for your visiting my profile,and maybe we can work together on bussiness matters.

My Fanpage contains live streaming of mixed games,by sharing original content.

But I also accept endorsements according to a prior agreement between the two parties.

Give me a good offer so that I can run a good cooperation,I hope you will use my services.

Services that I can provide such as product reviews,app reviews,food and others in the form of text,images,or video.

Please,if interested just direct personal contact on the email listed.I'm still a beginner but I will try to make good content.

I will try to provide the best service,thank you ️

To see Fiolita's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will make a video review about the product
Video Review on Facebook

I will make a video review about the product



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I will showcase how body lotions change my skin to a flawless one
Social Share on Facebook

I will showcase how body lotions change my skin to a flawless one

I will promote on all my social media and web
Social Share on Instagram

I will promote on all my social media and web

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