Ferry Zein

Ferry Zein


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Ferry Zein The Minang Music Reformer. Slowly but surely, Minang music and songs gradually began to host their own country. The revival era began in the early 90s when Minang musicians began to create a culture of musical creation based on traditional Minang art and music. From a number of names who became pioneers, Ferry Zein's name is listed as a reformer musician. In the hands of Ferry Zein, modern musical instruments are able to produce beautiful music with thick Minang nuances. Although he was not raised in West Sumatra, the man from Maninjau who was born in Bukittinggi on February 26, 1958, really understands the colors of Minang music. So it is not surprising that his musical arrangements are accepted by the public. This is evidenced by the "booming" sales of several Minang song albums whose music is played and arranged by Ferry Zein. Among them are the Kasiak Tujuah Muaro album, Ratok Padi Ampo, which made Zalmon's name stick out as a famous singer. Likewise, the album Bungo Lambah Gumanti, which made Gamawan Fauzi become "Regent plus" because of his success as a singer and is now trusted as Minister of the Interior of the United Indonesia Cabinet Volume Two. Not a few singers have skyrocketed their name because the music to accompany the song was arranged by Feryy Zein. Among them are Zalmon, An Roy and Monalisa. Ferry Zein himself doesn't remember how many music albums he has published since the early 90s, but no less than a thousand albums. So that the color of the music becomes a trend and becomes a reference for other musicians in working on music. Until now, the color of music popularized by Ferry Zein still dominates the music scene and Minang songs. So it is not an exaggeration to call him a reformist figure in modern Minang music. Apart from actively playing music and providing opportunities for singers to compete in the recorded music business, Ferry Zein is also active in various arts organizations. Among them in the DPD Indonesian Recording Artist and Music Arrangement Association (PAPPRI), the Indonesian Minang Artist Association (PARMI) and several other organizations. This has also led him to run for membership in the Regional Representative Council (DPD) in two general elections, hoping to fight for the fate of artists at the country's top institutions. Now he is also trusted by the Provincial Government. West Sumatra has become Chairman of the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI) of West Sumatra, an independent institution legitimized by the government to oversee the programs and performance of radio and television managers in West Sumatra. The issue of radio and television programs is not something strange to Ferry Zein, because he had been an employee of RRI Padang when he graduated from the Tri Sakti Tourism Academy in Jakarta. However, he chose to quit being a civil servant to fulfill his calling as a musician, in addition to helping develop his family's Carolina Pondok Carolina Recreation Spot. ***

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