Fatimah Aqila

Fatimah Aqila


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Hello, my name is fatimah and I am a writer at [link-omitted]. I started writing 9 years ago. I usually write about lifestyle, stories about my life (married, parenting, and everything), travelling. I also used to write about tips and tricks. If you want to collaborate with me, then I'm happy to write it down and follow the brief you provide. I can write articles in Indonesian and English. So if you interested collaborate with me, dont forget to contact me via email or this application. Thanks :)

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Some of their offers

I will write article in bahasa (Indonesia)
Post on Blog

I will write article in bahasa (Indonesia)



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 7.81%
Comment Average 30
Like Average 787
View Average 0
Play Average 2K

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I will Post a full review on your product/brand/site/app
Video Review on YouTube

I will Post a full review on your product/brand/site/app

I will promote on my Instagram, YouTube and tiktok
Social Share on Instagram

I will promote on my Instagram, YouTube and tiktok

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