Evan Fiedler

Evan Fiedler

United States

1K Reach

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Astrii is a LGBTQ+ content creator on YouTube and TikTok, an author, and the president of Ayup Media. He streams on YouYube and uploads a video every week for his audience; he plays video games, tells funny stories about his life, cracks jokes, and creates a welcoming community for his audience.

Astrii is the president of Ayup Media, a production company he manages. He leads many of the aspects of production, creating the final product: a animated tv-style or movie in Minecraft or other forms. 

Astrii also is an author, writing his own original books and writing on the teams of; L'Manberg: The Musical, Tales from The SMP: The Musical, and Ayup Media. He employs this skill into writing the "lore storyline" of many Minecraft SMP Servers such as the Insert Name SMP and ChaosSMP. 

Astrii has been a content creator for 3 years and has previously streamed on Twitch for a year and half, but recently left their platform. He has ran a small streamer organisation called Planetarium, and collaborates with his friends commonly.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 12.55%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 8
Play Average 124
Share Average 0

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