Erin Rodriguez

Erin Rodriguez

United States

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Hi! My name is Erin, the TX Ginger! I’m a micro-influencer born and raised in Texas. I am a Mother to four and work full-time as a Nurse for a Plastic Surgeon. I am a natural redhead with curly hair. I haven’t always liked being defined by my hair but now I love the attention and truly appreciate being different!

My content is focused on lifestyle, travel, motherhood, health & beauty, and my love for lowcarb/keto cooking. I hope to have a positive impact on anyone I cross paths with and to encourage everyone to live the life they’ve dreamed of.

As a person of mixed indigenous identity myself (American and Spanish) and having multi-racial children, I hope to bring diversity to the industry and share values of self-acceptance.

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Comment Average 18
Like Average 353

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