Erica Yu-B

Erica Yu-B


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Did a live TV interview, went to countless events online and on-site, flew to different places locally, collaborated with different brands, met and interviewed celebrities, fell in love with a celebrity (kidding), gained new friends, lost a few ones, got published several times in a magazine, discovered a passion. 

Frankly speaking, I did not think of sharing my own private life openly on the internet and explore the blogging world.

My jam-packed mommy-calendar alone leaves no time for the "big stuff", but being part of this industry is indeed a relief from the daily grind, so to speak. Funny thing is, neither journalism nor media were in my course of study but I have already been writing non-stop even before Myspace and BlogSpot started. Spewing out day-to-day updates about love and life in a journal.

I had my blog mini anniversary celebration a couple of weeks before my daughter's 15th birthday in March. Hosted a raffle event that included varieties of presents, cash, and small gift boxes to avid supporters who have been there with me throughout the years. It was simple yet a sweet way to celebrate my 10th year.

In today’s fast-paced world where you can easily become irrelevant, it is rare to stay in the game and for your efforts to still be appreciated. 

This is indeed a noteworthy accomplishment for someone like me. 

I’m beyond grateful for the clients, PR persons, and acquaintances in the media whom some I’ve blossomed friendship with, have sincerely helped me to be where I am today.

I felt overwhelmed and intrigued during my first media event where the bloggers I met left me speechless with their abounding passion and knowledge for blogging. It's as if I was in a haven where ideas, thoughts, and concerns can be freely shared and expressed. 

A whole new perspective on blogging has been shown to me and everyone I came across made me realize that I would want to be part of this awestruck community.

In those years, I took advantage of joining and getting involved with the circle as much as I could, such as webinars, and participated in several events. If you happen to chance upon the old self of mine and found my ramblings online, you’d probably roll your eyes in your head with deep sighs and harsh words. I desperately needed an editor in my earlier years (as well in my present years, lol) for my terrible use of the English language. Little did you know that from the design of this page, to making sure it is easy-to-use, all done by me. Well, I did ask a few for feedback and to test the layout.

If you have blogging goals and you’re thinking about opening up yourself to the world digitally, say yes. No hesitations. You might just find things that matter to you, which is the way of life you want to stick to.

Significantly, things have changed over the past decade, so did the blogging industry that I am in, which has seen this person constantly evolving. I am overjoyed and beyond grateful to God. I'm already looking forward to the next ten years.

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