Emma Rostron

Emma Rostron

United Kingdom

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I’m Em and I’m currently living in Bristol in the UK. 

My blog is a place for me to write down my thoughts and interests and have a space to channel my creative energy. My blog ‘a thing for’ represents all of the different interests I have, or the various categories I have a thing for.

Mainly focusing on lifestyle as an over arching topic, my blog covers beauty, fashion, food, fitness and travel. 

I am open to talking about many different subjects on my blog and look forward to seeing what brands want to work together to create engaging and informative content. 

To see Emma's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will include a link to your site within a blog post
Post on Blog

I will include a link to your site within a blog post



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.65%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 29
View Average 87
Play Average 486

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I will make content that will promote in a creative way.
Post on Blog

I will make content that will promote in a creative way.

I will share your product or service on my Facebook page!
Social Share on Facebook

I will share your product or service on my Facebook page!

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