Hi my name is Elyse! I am a stay at home mom of 2 young children and I love to do makeup and be creative! On social media my goal is to inspire specifically other women to step out of their comfort zone and try something new. I focus a lot on people being themselves and that if I can have confidence so can they! I also do videos on health and wellness and of course I do it with a comedic twist because well I'm an outgoing goofball. I try to bring a smile and a laugh to life situations especially with young children that might not otherwise be so funny.
Elyse Scarborough
United States
Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 4.32% |
Comment Average | 76 |
Like Average | 6K |
Play Average | 49K |
Share Average | 89 |
0-500 | 12.35% |
500-1000 | 11.15% |
1000-1500 | 8.92% |
1500+ | 67.58% |
Male | 13.46% |
Female | 86.54% |
13-17 | 10.26% |
18-24 | 50.73% |
25-34 | 26.20% |
35-44 | 9.69% |
45-64 | 3.12% |
65+ | 0.00% |
Genders per Age
13-17 | Male 0.92% Female 9.34% |
18-24 | Male 4.81% Female 45.92% |
25-34 | Male 4.59% Female 21.61% |
35-44 | Male 1.97% Female 7.73% |
45-64 | Male 1.16% Female 1.95% |
65+ | Male 0.00% Female 0.00% |
Top Languages
English | 99.32% |
Spanish | 0.20% |
Portuguese | 0.08% |
French | 0.06% |
Top Countries
United States | 89.29% |
Canada | 3.54% |
United Kingdom | 2.22% |
Australia | 1.63% |
Nigeria | 1.61% |
Ireland | 0.26% |
India | 0.25% |
* This data may be out of date.