Ella Moran

Ella Moran

United States

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Ella Moran was born and raised in Russia where she studied foreign languages to become a translator. After moving to US in 2006 she decided to pursue her true passion - beauty and fashion. Always having impeccable taste and sense of style she incorporated her talent into makeup.  She was inspired by great names such as Kevin Aucoin and François Nars. Her ability to take full advantage of every opportunity to gain makeup knowledge and techniques made her very versatile in her styles: from fresh and natural looks to high fashion and runway.
She has worked for cosmetic giants like Lancôme, Estee Lauder, Nars and MAC  Cosmetics and had gone through extensive training with each company. She perfected her skills working with the best in the industry that NYC has to offer. Ella’s experience includes fashion and runway, ecommerce and advertisement, tv and film.                                                                                              Ella has worked all over the world, including Russia, USA, Canada, and Australia . She is fluent in Russian, English and  also speaks basic French.
Ella is now pursuing influencer path through Instagram and YouTube.

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