Ella Charlton

Ella Charlton


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Our family blog covers topics related to family, legal matters, art, books, children, anything related to the house and home. 

I've been blogging for more than ten years, and [link-omitted] has become a mixed bag of many topics that is related to the ins and outs of home and family. I just love to write, and I try to do that - just any topic under the sun. While others have niche blogs, it is not easy for me to have a narrow blog topic as [link-omitted] has expanded from being a just a mom blog through the years.

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I will write an appropriate article related to your brand's niche
Post on Blog

I will write an appropriate article related to your brand's niche



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 3.44%
Comment Average 1
Like Average 83
View Average 421
Play Average 3K

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I will share your brand and or product on my tiktok. As well make it positive!
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I will share your brand and or product on my tiktok. As well make it positive!

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