Elizabeth Pedro

Elizabeth Pedro


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Good day, 

I am a intuitive tarot card reader. I provide my customers and viewers guidance, direct  them down the right path in life.

As a Catholic schoolgirl with a superstitious mother, it’s not too surprising that Tarot, astrology & other intuitive arts would become my driving fascination — and my life’s work.
I picked up my first Tarot deck at age 16,and kick-started my career by performing readings on my little sister& friends  (most of their  questions were about the cute boys in class. Some things never change.) Thirty years later, I’ve done readings on clients — from police officers to recovering addicts to new mothers to angst-ridden teens. I’m fascinated by the complexity of individual cause-and-effect, and I’m devoted to helping people make better decisions — and lead happier lives.
I believe that nothing is fated, that everything is fluid — and that the cards have the power to inspire courageous, life-affirming action. But only if you honor your emotional & intuitive reactions for what they really are — a quiet, guiding intelligence.


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