Elaine Jadren

Elaine Jadren


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I'm Elaine Victoria Jadren from Malabon City. Family and close friends call me "Elle".

I'm a freelance creative and a certified Digital Marketing Specialist by profession.

I am also an advocate for Mental Health Awareness and self-care. This advocacy gave me a burning desire to reach out to people with mental health issues and to use my voice to end the stigma. In 2014, I was diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder and PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Since then, I became particularly curious with the human mind and on how vast and complex it is - yet efficient, with all its 100 billion neurons, and that of the 100 trillion connections it can do. Truly, the human mind is powerful!


When I'm not working, I love to read sci-fi books and watch thriller/rom-com movies and TV Shows on Netflix. I also love pigging out with my partner and to travel with my loved ones.


I love rainy days because my partner makes the best fried rice and sloppy egg (which is my all time favorite comfort food), and we watch TV in bed all day. I'm obsessed with Owls! I am an owl memento collector, I even have a tattoo of an owl and a key on my nape because of my penchant for owls.  


I have this habit of signing off with “Love and Light”. Ever since I have come across this, I have been connected with it and hence using it. Many a times, I have been asked what it means and many a times, not asked but presumed to be something. The reactions to it has been the usual—either favorable, nonchalant or adverse. For me when I sign off as “love and light” I am offering the love within my heart and the light of my being. Offering is another way of recognizing the love within your heart and the shine of the light within your being. For me its another way of saying “The highest in me bows to the highest in you” (I recognize the highest in you as well as the highest in me). And since then, it’s as if I am giving the love and light back into the [link-omitted]ugh its people

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