Dio Aures

Dio Aures

United States

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• Don't compare our life with other people's life. It could be that our friends are actually lonely and unhappy, that's why they keep hanging out. It could be that they force them to hang out using borrowed money, then at the end of the month they are confused about paying, then their brains are muddled and their lives are a mess. Or it could also be that their lives are truly happy, you're the only rotten heart that can't see people happy."

• Don't compare our lives with other people's lives. It could be that our friends are actually lonely and unhappy, that's why they keep hanging out. It could be that they are forced to hang out using borrowed money, then at the end of the month they are confused about paying, then their brains are confused and their lives are a mess. Or it could be that their lives are really happy, you're the one with a rotten heart who can't see people happy."

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