Diandra Reviews

Diandra Reviews

United States

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My name is Diandra Reviews, and I am a reviewer for Diandra Reviews It All. It is a site aimed at reviewing the spiritual essence and human commentary of albums, concerts, films, books, restaurants, and theatre productions. Through the years, we have expanded to include products and events. Yet, our reviews are not simply about whether a show, artist/art, or an item are "good or bad." Our reviews aim to describe how a product will match the particularity, vibe, or style of a person. For us, the aesthetic and lifestyle appeal of a product is equally important in reviewing its functionality. 

Looking forward to working with you,

Diandra Reviews 

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 0.81%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 6
View Average 91
Play Average 407

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