Della Marie

Della Marie

United States

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I'm a fashion oriented modern bohemian woman who spends a lot of time adventuring in nature and making and selling my art and freelancing as a graphic designer. The range of products i would like to receive and promote could be vary greatly anything related to my passions which include fitness & outdoor sports (such as hiking, backpacking, yoga & snowbording) meditation, zen and metaphysical products, fashion and beauty products, hair care etc as I express myself through fashion often. Any art or creative oriented products, anything related to travel. Product for eating and living clean and healthy. And basically Anything else related to the bohemian lifestyle. I would love to be an influencer on Instagram as I love sharing my life via social media.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.29%
Comment Average 3
Like Average 184

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I will post on my Instagram account.
Social Review on Instagram

I will post on my Instagram account.

I will keep it real, but no negativity
Social Engagement on LinkedIn

I will keep it real, but no negativity

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