Danny Suede
United States
Hello, I do a lot of things at the moment. My main focuses right now are my clothing brand, running a podcast and making music. I have a music group with my brothers and am currently launching my own solo music. I've also recently started a clothing brand so i'm getting that up and running. I also make product videos on the side right now and in the past i've toured with bands and traveled around doing video and photo media. I've produced and worked on multiple music videos and photo shoots so I have the ability to make content that looks professional.
Follower Engagement / Demographics
Average Engagement Rate by Reach | 3.32% |
Comment Average | 1 |
Like Average | 6 |
Play Average | 333 |
Share Average | 0 |
0-500 | 26.74% |
500-1000 | 17.96% |
1000-1500 | 11.15% |
1500+ | 44.15% |
Male | 24.30% |
Female | 75.70% |
13-17 | 7.13% |
18-24 | 53.20% |
25-34 | 34.23% |
35-44 | 4.34% |
45-64 | 1.10% |
65+ | 0.00% |
Genders per Age
13-17 | Male 1.59% Female 5.54% |
18-24 | Male 10.01% Female 43.19% |
25-34 | Male 9.80% Female 24.43% |
35-44 | Male 2.01% Female 2.32% |
45-64 | Male 0.89% Female 0.21% |
65+ | Male 0.00% Female 0.00% |
White / Caucasian | 72.38% |
Hispanic | 11.46% |
Asian | 10.65% |
African American | 5.51% |
Top Languages
English | 83.45% |
Spanish | 5.73% |
Portuguese | 1.85% |
Arabic | 1.52% |
Top Interests
Music | 34.37% |
Television & Film | 32.67% |
Friends, Family & Relationships | 31.72% |
Clothes, Shoes, Handbags & Accessories | 30.76% |
Toys, Children & Baby | 27.59% |
Camera & Photography | 26.41% |
Beauty & Cosmetics | 25.71% |
Restaurants, Food & Grocery | 24.16% |
Pets | 21.44% |
Travel, Tourism & Aviation | 20.23% |
Art & Design | 20.17% |
Electronics & Computers | 17.34% |
Top Countries
United States | 65.18% |
United Kingdom | 4.40% |
Canada | 3.50% |
Mexico | 3.26% |
Australia | 1.72% |
Brazil | 1.66% |
Italy | 1.42% |
Top States
California | 8.56% |
Texas | 7.21% |
Florida | 4.70% |
New York | 3.80% |
Pennsylvania | 3.14% |
Washington | 2.80% |
Illinois | 2.50% |
Top Cities
Los Angeles, US | 2.92% |
New York City, US | 1.84% |
Chicago, US | 1.18% |
San Antonio, US | 0.90% |
Spokane, US | 0.87% |
Houston, US | 0.81% |
Philadelphia, US | 0.78% |
* This data may be out of date.