DANIELLE Sanders-Nix

DANIELLE Sanders-Nix

United States

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Danielle R. Sanders, a Chicago native, is a writer, spoken word recording artist, blogger and poet who is passionate about family, sisterhood, womanhood, and living a full and well balanced life.  I believe that women are "The Sum of Many Things".  Embracing all of my roles as a woman, I firmly believe in breaking free of preconceived notions of womanhood and being authentically and uniquely you. The Sum of Many Things is a Lifestyle and Personal Development blog for busy women of color. The focus will always be on women and how we survive, thrive and become better. This website is for us! It's about taking better care of ourselves so we can better take care of everyone else! So many people rely on us for so many things, it's important to remember that "We cannot continue to pour out of empty cups"!  This blog is full of tips and helpful advice to keep our "cups" full.  We define who we are and who we want to be.    We are the Sum of Many Things but in all things we remain beautiful and blooming into our purpose and destiny. 

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