Danielle Bertoli

Danielle Bertoli

United States

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Danielle Bertoli is a director of an alternative high school that serves at-risk and disadvantaged youth, an influencer who shares all things wellness, lifestyle, travel, and fashion, and an author living in New York. Her passion is to write about personal struggles to remind others that they are never alone in their hardships. She teaches writing workshops and shares meditations to help people cultivate self-trust, love, and reliance. Her first book, Struck Inside Out: Essays, Meditations, and Poetry to Help You Heal Heartbreak, Embrace Change, and Love Yourself, inspires readers to live authentically, vulnerably, and from the heart. Danielle's mission is elevate people's mindsets and help them step into their highest potential. She believes if you consciously choose your thoughts, you happily create your life. Danielle loves creating content for brands that offer high-quality products that enhance people's everyday lives and who help people feel better about who they are.

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