Cristian Martinez

Cristian Martinez

United States

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Extremely highly motivated comedian with high intetest of new gadgets and new technology father of 2 girls and cinematographer. I am very interested in learning more about new technologies and clothing brands. I enjoy basketball, videogames, baseball, video editing, computer hacking, luxuary brands and vehicles. I come with experience of large audiences from joining a band and being on the road for 7+ years. I have a great social network with amazing social and personalality. I would like to grow a bigger audience with my comedy methods hopefully pushing new video content for next year to come. I appreciate for taking interest in me and I hope you find me as a great asset to your brand with high confidence you will get great quality work from me. I am always learning to get better at my videos at my pictures to deliver the best from other creators. 

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I will Create amazing reviews
Video Review on Instagram

I will Create amazing reviews



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.58%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 27
View Average 135

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