Claudia Marques

Claudia Marques

United States

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I hope you’re having a fabulous week! 

I’m reaching out about potential collaborations with you on Instagram and Social Media Channels. I would love to work your products into my content about choosing health and beauty products, and I can see my readers really liking your packaging, story, and branding.   I hope to share great content that appeals to you and your brand. I hope to be a great fit to work with on upcoming influencer campaigns!

I would love to hear if this is something you would like to discuss and happy to collaborate with your brand!

Let me know what you think, and in the meantime, you can check my previous work on Instagram at @clcm40.

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Claudia M.

To see Claudia's full profile please login or register.

Some of their offers

I will help you reach a new audience!
Social Review on Facebook

I will help you reach a new audience!



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.26%
Comment Average 0
Like Average 33

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I will help to grow your business
Social Share on Instagram

I will help to grow your business

I will upload video review for your product detailing uses & necessity of produc
Video Review on Facebook

I will upload video review for your product detailing uses & necessity of produc

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