Clara Sy

Clara Sy

United States

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Single Mom, writer, explorer. Being a single Mom of two is really challenging but because of my love for my kids, hardships don't matter to me. I can move heaven and Earth for us to survive.
Writing has been my passion since I was young. I have contributed to a lot of school publications and even won a lot of writing contests.
Now, I wanr to focus in contributing to blogs and make my own blog site too.

I want to lear  more how to monetize blogs and how to be better with this craft. 

I would love to write more about parenting, motherhood, travel, food and health. I am actually interested to qrite aboutanything and everything as I want to challenge myself.

Note :

[link-omitted] blog accepts a minimum of $100 for a copy-paste article anf $150 for an article to be written by me.

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