Chung Pham Huu

Chung Pham Huu


489K Reach

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

Hi my name is Chung. i'm 25 now. I was born and grew up in Ho Chi Minh city, Viet Nam.
I start "my career" with a lot of works, and of course in many positions. Last year i worked in a design company and i'm a designer. Then i work with my young brother, help him building his youtube chanel. Now i have my own youtube chanel and tiktok

did you ever believe in god and his work is creative

I am creator, and i think creating somethings is work of god
Keep creating,

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 2.11%
Comment Average 161
Like Average 9K
Play Average 192K
Share Average 40

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