Christine Cruz

Christine Cruz


speedometerThere are 25K influencers with a reach over 20,000!Check out some other influencers

Mommy ambassador, influencer, content creator..
Travel, Lifestyle, beauty, fashion, motherhood, everything in between..

For sponsorship and collaboration you may DM me @ [link-omitted]


Here are my social media account.. 

Fb page: 9,601 followers

Instagram account: 6, 701 followers


Tiktok: 8,816 followers

Let's connect, and share our blessings to each other ️️️ keeps safe and Godbless us all

To see Christine's full profile please login or register.



Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 5.17%
Comment Average 28
Like Average 345
View Average 2K
Play Average 2K

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