Chris LadSong
United States
I am a outgoing hard working man. I have many talents that could go to use if I had help. I have an amazing ability for fashion creativity. I would base my style of clothing choice from the famous music artists Chris Brown and Micheal Jackson. PacSun, Urban Outfitters, Express, Black Pyramid are my favorite clothing brands. To compliment the clothing style, jewelry is needed. A few items that I wear are Apple products, bracelets, Rolex, different length neck chains, wrist beads and hand chains. I am a fit expert. In a way of course. I love to stay healthy and lean. I've tried numerous amount of protein blends and detox teas. Fit Tea, Teami Blend, Protein Blend, etc. My fitness clothing brand will always and forever be Nike. With great fashion and a hard working figure, you'll need facial cleaners. I enjoy Muddy Body detox mask, Bliss Facial Wash, Purity Cleaners and Wash. I would like to honestly try some more products. I am wanting to achieve the ultimate soft skin. I whiten my teeth with Carbon Coco natural teeth whitening kit, and a few more other brands. I am interested in receiving more products along these lines. Fashion, beauty, health, Fitness, Art, Carrying luggage. If any options appear to be open or possible, please notify me. Thank you so much.
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