Chawanne Burns

Chawanne Burns

United States

21K Reach

speedometerThat's some serious marketing potential!

As a mom, wife and business leader. My goal is to reach the masses of entreprenuers that run a business and a household. We as parents and partners sometimes struggle with work life balance because we have "FOMO" on entreprenuerial opportunities and ultimately miss out on opportunities to be there for our children and or love ones. My message is to "think both". Think both of yes, you can have a successful business and marriage.  On my channel I talk about business techniques and methods that can make running a business more simple.

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Follower Engagement / Demographics


Average Engagement Rate by Reach 1.85%
Comment Average 2
Like Average 50
View Average 59
Play Average 563

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I will make sure i promote your brands and products to the right audience for us
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I will make sure i promote your brands and products to the right audience for us

I will Upload your Videos on my shots and i will go live on my Youtube channel..
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I will Upload your Videos on my shots and i will go live on my Youtube channel..

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