Charesse Rose Cabiles

Charesse Rose Cabiles


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Hi! I'm Cha, I am currently enjoying building up my Youtube Channel, charesseme.
Mostly of my contents are Reaction videos to various Musicians or Artists, and I also do some song and dance covers as well, and sometimes doing some vlogs and unboxing too.
My interest is listening to music, singing and dancing. I am also fascinated with beauty products, cosmetics, and fashion/clothing. I am also a sporty person, and I play volleyball before.
I am also a degree holder with Bachelor of Science in Travel Management. I am into Travel as well, but due to pandemic it is limited to do so.
I also love pets especially dogs, and currently I have 4 dogs.
I am also a food lover, especially sweet foods.

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Comment Average 8
Like Average 52
View Average 535

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